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What is Etoro and how does it work?

A pioneer in social and copy trading, eToro has launched in the U.S. The company offers investors the ability to copy the trades of pros, but it currently offers only cryptocurrency trading, which is notoriously volatile. Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us.

What are the pros and cons of Etoro?

EToro Review 2021: Pros, Cons and How It Compares A pioneer in social and copy trading, eToro has launched in the U.S. The company offers investors the ability to copy the trades of pros, but it currently offers only cryptocurrency trading, which is notoriously volatile. Kevin Voigt Jun 2, 2021

Is eToro a CFD?

* All trades on the Saudi Arabia stock exchange are executed as CFDs. For clients residing in Finland, positions on stocks traded on the Helsinki exchange are executed as CFDs due to local regulatory restrictions. eToro also offers additional functions using CFD trading. With CFDs, you can open SELL (short) positions and use leverage.

How does eToro identity verification work?

Identity verification can take a few days, and eToro notifies new users once verification is complete. Once you’ve created an account on, registering for eToroX is only a matter of one click, as your eToro account allows you to access both trading platforms. eToro offers separate customer service for eToro and eToroX.

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